        15608181518??? 18683438262
        日期:2022-12-05 16:14:40

        I am an Internet entrepreneur. The company has been open for more than seven years, and the code has been in contact for more than ten years. It is the first group of indignant young people in China who are exposed to the concept of "mobile Internet". The difference between the so-called "mobile Internet" and "Internet" lies in the word "mobile". In fact, it is the use of the Internet on the handheld device end, which includes but is not limited to mobile phones, pads, smart watches, touch, etc.(app開發(fā),小程序開發(fā),網(wǎng)站建設(shè)

        Based on my experience and failure over the years, I will summarize How to Develop an APP from a personal perspective

        early stage:

        APP can be roughly divided into two types

        1. Commercial

        2. Self use

        Commercial APP must be prepared with business license. As for the corporate account, it depends on whether your APP has the payment function. Here is a popular knowledge point about the payment of virtual products. The so-called virtual products are the things you buy that do not have physical objects. Example: the right to watch a video, game props, and a piece of content

        The App Store stipulates that virtual products must be paid by Apple, otherwise they will not be allowed to go on the market. However, the handling fee paid by Apple is extremely high, starting from 50%.(app開發(fā),小程序開發(fā),網(wǎng)站建設(shè)

        Recently, I learned a wrong way to avoid Apple's payment. I don't know if Apple will seal it when it sees it... I shared the dry goods. The logic Apple uses to judge whether a commodity is a virtual product is actually very simple. It is to check whether there is a logistics function in the APP. If there is logistics, it is a physical object. The products mapped to the APP can be designed in this way. If you want to make an APP, fitness course or English course that pays for watching videos, and the customer has the right to watch after paying, you can still send a thing to the customer, whatever it is, light or books, and the recommendation CD can be empty because of its low cost. In this way, Apple will judge it as a real object, which can save high payment fees.

        The self used APP is subdivided slightly: do Android and Apple do it all, or just Android? If you only do Android, you don't need to prepare for anything in the early stage. If the self used version includes the Apple version, you need to register an account in the App Store.

        The preliminary preparation is completed and the specific implementation is started.


        If you want to develop an APP, you should first clarify several major issues:(app開發(fā),小程序開發(fā),網(wǎng)站建設(shè)

        1. Targeted industries

        2. Evaluation of approximate user base

        3. Determine the business model (What operations do a user need to complete the business routine you give him from entering the APP? Then how to end the process.)


        4. Differentiation: of course, this is not a must, but a personal suggestion.

        It takes 50 years for China to come up with a great idea. We are not recommended to do creative applications at all. It is very easy to be stillborn and difficult to push. And the so-called creativity is not easy to appear in the just needed part. Most of them are the initiators who think of their own needs as market demands. Mobile Internet has been developed for more than ten years, and most of the things you can think of have been done. My suggestion is that there are two things that can be played in the market at present:

        1、 Market vacancy

        2、 Professional application of fine differentiation


        At least the products around me that are still alive conform to the above laws.

        Speaking of my own understanding, Is You Hungry is very powerful and the model is relatively mature, but it is actually targeted at people in the first and second tier cities. In fact, in some sinking markets, the "hungry" itself has not been fully covered, which is called "market vacancy".

        Example 2: China is actually the country with the most developed Internet applications in the world. For example, if you place an order on Taobao and someone sends it to you, Chinese people have been used to this experience. However, in the eyes of foreigners, this experience is simply "proportional to the" goose beauty and quiet "! So the year be(app開發(fā),小程序開發(fā),網(wǎng)站建設(shè))fore last, a friend succeeded in moving JD to Australia. Now, there are about hundreds of millions of people in a year. This is the "market vacancy".

        Professional application of fine differentiation:

        The simple point is the depth of the industry. You should know the industry well and be professional enough, and then build an APP to solve the problems in the industry.

        There are also practical examples: in the second year of entrepreneurship, someone came to me for partnership. At that time, in 2016, I would like to describe the background of what they wanted to do. In China, from the time when there were elevators to 2016, it was almost 15 years ago. All the people who did elevator maintenance knew that there were a large number of elevators in need of maintenance, which was a huge market demand. But peopl(app開發(fā),小程序開發(fā),網(wǎng)站建設(shè))e who were not in the industry certainly did not know that. They built a platform, A large number of operation and maintenance masters have been integrated with Party A, including work orders, route planning, parts integrators, etc. As a result, ------------- made a lot of money again. Unfortunately, I missed again...... This is the industry segment.

        For example, some people do used car platforms, and you only do used car glass. Because you are very professional in glass, you know all the processes from the factory, which is also a subdivision.

        With the above steps, you should roughly know what kind of APP you want to do. First, sort out a general process

        Production flow chart

        The next step is to refine and refine the idea into a "requirem(app開發(fā),小程序開發(fā),網(wǎng)站建設(shè))ents document" that allows the technology to directly face the writing function.

        ·Requirements documents (that is, clearly record the functions to be implemented to prevent unnecessary time from being wasted in later changes)

        ·Make a prototype diagram (according to the requirements document and flow chart of the first two parts, the interface should contain all the elements and fields that the interface should have, but there is no specific layout and color rendering in this step)


        ·Make a design drawing (UI): according to the prototype drawing in the previous step, make a specific layout and render colors. The end product is a set of user interface design drawings

        ·Writing: specific code writing

        ·Test: check whether there is a bug in the function step by step according to the requirements and the later design drawings

        ·Details added: Now the state only protects property rights, and all APPs must have Software Copyright before they are put on the shelves. There are some third-party agencies to assist in handling.

        After completing the above steps, your APP will be developed, and some additional costs will be added in the development process.


        SMS fee: within 6 cents for one message and 600 yuan for 10,000 messages. The more you buy, the cheaper it will be. This is also a way for all Internet users to fill in their mobile phone numbers and send verification codes according to national policies.

        Server cost: It is judged according to the actual user base. As for how to judge it, it is very complicated...... If you can't say a word or two, you can
